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Сестра Керри. Дженни Герхардт - [bookvoed_us]
Сестра Керри. Дженни Герхардт - [bookvoed_us]

Sister Kerry. Jenny Gerhardt

Sister Carrie and Jenny Gerhardt are two of Theodore Dreiser's finest novels, which, in the words of Sinclair Lewis, "liberated American literature from Victorian timidity and set it on a course of bold, honest and passionate depiction of life." In the work of the great American realist and connoisseur of human nature, these two novels stand out as the most emotional and poetic. The present volume of selected works is complemented by stories published in 1918-1919. They allow a fuller appreciation of the great talent of the writer, about which it was said: "American literature before and after Dreiser differs almost as much as biology before and after Darwin."


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- When buying from $75 on an order, free shipping is automatically distributed in an economical way (for books - media mail, for games and toys - depending on weight and address).
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