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Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]
Святочные рассказы. Н.С. Лесков - [bookvoed_us]

Holiday stories. N.S. Leskov

Christmas stories occupy a special place in the literary heritage of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov. They not only became a real creative and spiritual vocation of the writer - Leskov managed to significantly expand the traditional genre and breathe new life into it.
The characters in these works are representatives of various strata of Russian society: landowners, officials, priests, merchants, soldiers, and peasants. For the hero of the "Pearl Necklace" a chance meeting became the prologue of family happiness. "The Unchangeable Ruble" tells an amazing story about little Kolya and a magic coin, "Selected Grain" introduces the reader to the "correct-looking" man Ivan Petrov, who helps two rogues and swindlers bring their conceived scam to completion, and "Scarecrow" tells the story of the misadventures of a city dweller Selivan, whom human rumor, by chance, wrote down as villains and sorcerers. These and other stories included in the book make one think about how good and evil, light and darkness are mixed in everyday life and in human character, awaken the desire to understand one's own soul, reflect the author's anxiety for the fate of the country and people.
The expressive illustrations of the famous artist Sergey Lyubaev harmoniously merge with the general idea of ​​the book.
Sergey Viktorovich Lyubaev is an artist, book illustrator and designer. He was nominated three times by Russia for the Astrid Lindgren International Prize (ALMA). Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, the Moscow Union of Artists.
In 2018, Lyubaev was awarded the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize - "for a devoted love for literary classics and its congenial book design, for the richest pictorial language that turns a book into a design masterpiece."
The illustrator collaborates with leading Russian publishing houses. Illustrated books by J. Tolkien, R. Kipling, M. Twain, T. White, A. Blok, N. Gogol, L. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin, I. Stone, E. Hemingway, K. Chukovsky, K. Paustovsky, A. Averchenko, A. Gaidar, Y. Perelman and other authors. Engaged in the design of textbooks for elementary and secondary schools. Repeated winner of the All-Russian competition of book illustrations "Image of the book". Participant of international, all-Russian art and book exhibitions.
In 2019, the book, a collection of works by Alexander Blok "Balaganchik", illustrated by Sergey Lyubaev, was shortlisted for the "Book of the Year" award in the "Art-book" nomination.


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