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Путешествие по миру медицины:от древних времен до наших дней. - [bookvoed_us] SALE
Путешествие по миру медицины:от древних времен до наших дней. - [bookvoed_us] SALE
Путешествие по миру медицины:от древних времен до наших дней. - [bookvoed_us] SALE
Путешествие по миру медицины:от древних времен до наших дней. - [bookvoed_us] SALE
Путешествие по миру медицины:от древних времен до наших дней. - [bookvoed_us] SALE

Journey through the world of medicine: from ancient times to the present day.

$26.40 $33.00
What do we know about medicine? How difficult is this science? What difficulties might be faced by those who decide to master the profession of a doctor and devote their lives to the treatment of other people? You will find the answers in the guide to the amazing and multifaceted world of medicine. The authors - Doctors of Medical Sciences, Academician Mikhail Paltsev and Professor Igor Kvetnoy - tell in a fascinating, detailed and accessible way about the history of the development of medicine, about great discoveries, the secrets of the human body, the search for the causes of diseases, and the creation of wonderful medicines. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers, children and adults, who will find it interesting and useful to get a more complete picture of medical science. Also, the guide will help those who plan to become a doctor to make sure that they choose the right profession.


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- All books listed in the store are located in the US and ship from our warehouse within 1-3 business days.
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