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Постников В. Мармеладная бабушка (Любимые детские писатели) - [bookvoed_us]
Постников В. Мармеладная бабушка (Любимые детские писатели) - [bookvoed_us]
Постников В. Мармеладная бабушка (Любимые детские писатели) - [bookvoed_us]
Постников В. Мармеладная бабушка (Любимые детские писатели) - [bookvoed_us]
Постников В. Мармеладная бабушка (Любимые детские писатели) - [bookvoed_us]
Постников В. Мармеладная бабушка (Любимые детские писатели) - [bookvoed_us]

Postnikov V. Marmalade grandmother (Favorite children's writers)

A story about family, support, adventures and love for marmalade pierced by the warm southern sun - a novelty from the modern children's writer Valentin Postnikov, author of "Chocolate Grandpa" and fairy tales-continuations about Pencil and Samodelkin. Marmalade grandmother prepares the most delicious marmalade in the world and has a magical gift : as soon as she sneezes - and she is immediately transferred wherever she wants. Once, Marmalade Grandma sneezed so hard that she ended up in a completely unfamiliar city with her three beloved granddaughters. The artist Natalia Kucherenko made wonderful illustrations for the fairy tale. Her funny watercolor scenes perfectly convey the adventurous spirit of the story. A fascinating book about family values, responsiveness and kindness will appeal to both children and adults. The publication will be a wonderful gift for a toddler and a child of primary school age, it will help instill in children a love of reading. The tale is part of the "Favorite Children's Authors" series of books - popular children's works in brilliant artwork.


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- All books listed in the store are located in the US and ship from our warehouse within 1-3 business days.
- The store guarantees high-quality and reliable packaging of goods to avoid damage. We really hope that your purchases will reach you in perfect condition and on time.
- When buying from $75 on an order, free shipping is automatically distributed in an economical way (for books - media mail, for games and toys - depending on weight and address).
- If you have any questions about the quality of the received goods or want to return something - write to us. We want our customers to be happy!

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Yes, in everything

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