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Лукас О. Учитесь у кошек - [bookvoed_us]
Лукас О. Учитесь у кошек - Bookvoed US
Лукас О. Учитесь у кошек - Bookvoed US
Лукас О. Учитесь у кошек - Bookvoed US

Lucas O. Learn from cats

Summer in gardening "Tea" is a hot time. The sun bakes. Gardeners work in the beds from morning till night. But the feline detective agency does not sleep. Musya, Plyushka and Eliza opened a school for local kittens. Not simple - detective. And now they need to do everything: conduct investigations, and teach kids. It’s good that friends are always ready to rush to the aid of cats: Maine Coon Van Gogh, Chihuahua Charlie, mongrels Kuzya and Fomich, and other tailed and feathered inhabitants of gardening. This summer, detectives and their students will have to find out where the safely hidden house keys have gone and who stole the money from the piggy bank; deal with the mysterious disappearance of your favorite toy; understand why the alarm goes off unexpectedly in a public parking lot. And even investigate the mysterious case of brownies! Cheerful sunny illustrations by Olga Gromova will help readers to imagine in colors all the characters and the warm cozy world of gardening "Tea" surrounding them. About all this and not only in the book Learn from cats (Lukas Olga).


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