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Удивительные сказки о животных / Сост. М. Пленар - [bookvoed_us]
Удивительные сказки о животных / Сост. М. Пленар - [bookvoed_us]
Удивительные сказки о животных / Сост. М. Пленар - [bookvoed_us]
Удивительные сказки о животных / Сост. М. Пленар - [bookvoed_us]

Amazing tales about animals / Comp. M. Plenar

Magical and tender, sad and funny tales take our caravan either to the Bering Strait - there a raven will tell about his love for a wild goose, or to Japan, where cats drawn in black ink on the white walls of the temple come to life. In China, we will meet a lizard who gave her friend her pearl teardrop. In Siberia, a fearless hare awaits us, risking his life to save the sun, and in North America - a horse, plain in appearance, from which the most beautiful horses in the world appeared. Well, in Mexico we will meet a cougar, who gave the hummingbird a magnificent multi-colored outfit.
Compiled by Marilyn Plenar.
For elementary and middle school age


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