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Лебединое озеро. Балет Чайковского. с CD и QR-кодом. - Bookvoed US
Лебединое озеро. Балет Чайковского. с CD и QR-кодом. - Bookvoed US

Book: Swan Lake. Ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Musical Classics for Children by Marco Zimza, illus. Doris Eisenburger, with CD and QR code, ISBN:978-5-91906-921-8 p.14

Enchanting sounds of music and a fairy-tale world on the pages of children's books! We present a collection that will impress any adult or young reader! In the books of this series you will find a unique combination: librettos of the most famous masterpieces of world musical classics, adapted for children of preschool and primary school age, supplemented by a disc with melodies from the works themselves and interesting comments.
"Swan Lake" is a world-famous ballet by the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, which tells an amazing tale about a prince in love, an enchanted girl and an evil wizard.
The text is read by Anastasia Menshikova. The audio track was prepared with the participation of the Moscow Drama Theater. M.N. Yermolova.


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