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Левиафан с иллюстрациями - [bookvoed_us]
Левиафан с иллюстрациями - [bookvoed_us]
Левиафан с иллюстрациями - [bookvoed_us]

Leviathan with illustrations

On March 15, 1878, a terrible murder was committed on the Rue de Grenelle in Paris. Lord Littleby and nine of his servants are killed. The offender did not take anything from the house, except for the figurine of the god Shiva and a colored scarf. The investigation leads Police Commissioner Ghosh to the luxury ship Leviathan bound for Calcutta. The killer on the ship, but who is it? Among the suspects, each of whom hides his own secret, are an English aristocrat, an officer in the Japanese army, the pregnant wife of a Swiss bank employee and a young Russian diplomat with gray temples ...
Time of action - 1878. Erast Fandorin is 22 years old.
The publication is supplemented with illustrations by I. Sakurov


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