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Red and black. Parma cloister

Stendhal's novel "Red and Black" is a universally recognized literary masterpiece of the nineteenth century. It is known that A. S. Pushkin, having read the first volume of a literary novelty in French in 1831, was delighted and begged Princess Khitrovo to urgently send him a second one. A. I. Turgenev, P. A. Vyazemsky, L. N. Tolstoy read the plot of an ambitious and talented young man, a native of the lower classes. social ascent and, in fact, it is relatively easy to achieve their goals. Among the many assumptions about the meaning of the novel "Red and Black" one can find a version according to which Stendhal disguised two feelings raging in the soul of an ambitious young man under secret colors: passion as a spiritual impulse, as an unconscious attraction and ambition, coupled with a thirst for fame, recognition at any cost . The interpenetration and struggle of these feelings constitute the inner intrigue of Stendhal's novel. The action of Stendhal's last novel, The Parma Monastery, enthusiastically received by Balzac, takes place in Italy, a country of strong passions and great culture. Its theme is the fate of the generation of Italians, which entered life at the end of the 18th century, passionately dreaming of the independence of their homeland, but the Battle of Waterloo marked the collapse of enthusiastic illusions. The tension of events (murders, imprisonment, escape, finding out the secrets of birth and death), the deep psychological experiences of the characters, for the sake of love, going to betrayal and sacrificing the most expensive, as well as an impressive depiction of the historical events of that era, turn the novel into an undoubted masterpiece of world literature .


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