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Приключения Кубарика и Томатика - [bookvoed_us]
Приключения Кубарика и Томатика - [bookvoed_us]
Приключения Кубарика и Томатика - [bookvoed_us]
Приключения Кубарика и Томатика - [bookvoed_us]
Приключения Кубарика и Томатика - [bookvoed_us]
Приключения Кубарика и Томатика - [bookvoed_us]

Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic

Perhaps with this book you began your acquaintance with the concepts of “less” and “more”, “longer” and “shorter”, “one” and “many”. Or maybe you have never heard of “The Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic”. In any case, if you have children of preschool age, Heinrich Sapgir's mathematical fairy tale should certainly be in your home library. Almost forty years ago writer Genrikh Sapgir, methodologist Lyudmila Levinova and artist Vitaly Statsinsky created the book "The Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic, or Merry Mathematics". The book immediately became a sensation. In the Soviet Union, there were quite a few popular science manuals for children, but to teach mathematics to kids who have barely learned to speak?! Progressive parents on "Kubarik and Tomatic" were engaged with two-year-olds, grandparents prepared preschoolers for admission to the first grade. On forums devoted to childhood books, “Kubarik and Tomatic” is remembered as one of the most beloved, “read to holes” books. The book was not reprinted for a very long time, the last time in the 90s.


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- When buying from $75 on an order, free shipping is automatically distributed in an economical way (for books - media mail, for games and toys - depending on weight and address).
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