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История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE
История Земли: от звездной пыли к звездной пыли - [bookvoed_us] SALE

The History of the Earth: From Stardust to Stardust

$24.80 $31.00
About the book If the Earth were a person, she would be 40 years old. She would have had many children and would have been extraordinarily pretty. It would be the most amazing, bright and unusual person you knew. What only was not in her life: unbearable frosts and heat, space attacks, rebuilding of the body, the birth and death of a trillion children. This book about the history of the Earth will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. How to read this book The book, like a fascinating adventure story, is read in one breath. And naturalistic illustrations help to look into the "window" of epochs. If you like this book, then read and review "Ancient Monsters of Russia". Chips of the book Incredible illustrations that recreate the appearance of the planet in the past and future. Tells the history of the Earth: from the big bang, through all periods of changes in the appearance of the planet to man, and looks into the future - until the moment when the Earth becomes stardust again...


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