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Книжный блог Буквоед США

Новинка уже в продаже!📚

Новинка уже в продаже!📚

Кем быть? Путешествие в мир профессий! 

Что входит в обязанности смотрителя зоопарка? Чем занимается монтажёр? Кто помогает запускать ракеты? А каким талантом должен обладать парфюмер?
В этой книге представлено множество увлекательных профессий – от строителя до космонавта. Ваш ребёнок узнает, почему каждая из них важна и в чём заключается работа различных специалистов. А ещё он сможет представить, кем станет, когда будет большим! 

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Книга Аня здесь и там

Книга Аня здесь и там

Жизнь маленькой Ани течет размеренно и счастливо. Летом — в деревне, с черничными полянами, и высокими соснами и теплым озером. А зимой в Москве, с Третьяковской галереей и подарками из «Детского мира».

Но однажды эта жизнь заканчивается. Теперь Аня живет в Нью-Йорке. Пока родители учатся в университете, она ходит в американскую школу, вместо супа обедает сэндвичами с вареньем, ищет новых друзей и привыкает ходить без шапки на улице.

Повесть Марии Даниловой «Аня здесь и там» в 2020 году вошла в финал детской литературной премии имени Крапивина. Это история о взрослении между двух культур, о том, как важно, где бы ты ни был, знать, что всегда можешь вернуться домой.


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New "Chess Run Away!"

New "Chess Run Away!"

Chess is gone ! 😱

Dad always sits at his chess, and Asya gets zero attention. Once Asya could not stand it and how she stamped her foot! In an instant, pieces from the chessboard fell down: someone rolled under the lamp, someone plopped into a mug of tea ... Asya felt ashamed, she collected all the pieces, but she couldn’t find two - white Peshkin and black Loshadkin. Now amazing adventures await the two lost ones: running away from a cat, swimming on a rubber duck, and even fighting the formidable King Cactus... In this book you will find not only a funny tale about the adventures of two pieces, but also many interesting facts about chess, as well as glossary with important terms. And after reading the book to the end, you will be able to play the chess game described in it yourself!

The fairy tale was invented by Valentina Degteva , and the illustrations for it were drawn by Daria Krasilnikova.



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In stock!

In stock!

New Tintin comics are on sale now!

We present a separate story "Crab with Golden Claws" and a dilogy: "The Secret of the Unicorn" and "The Treasure of the Red Rakkam".

This time, the young reporter is waiting for sea adventures! Intrigued by the empty tin can that Milu found, Tintin finds himself aboard a bulk carrier. True, he is not here as a passenger - he was tied hand and foot and thrown into the hold! Luckily, Milu gnawed through the ropes and helped his friend out... but what is it? Tintin finds crates of canned crab just like the one that brought them here. It seems that a simple tin can hides some secret ...

This comic is considered a turning point because Captain Haddock appears in it for the first time, who would later become the favorite character of readers (according to the ratings, he surpassed even Tinin himself!).

In The Secret of the Unicorn, Tintin tries to solve the mystery of a sunken ship full of treasures, and in the second part of the dilogy he goes to the bottom of the sea to find this ship. Of course, there will be troubles, because not only Tintin is looking for the treasure of the old pirate ...

The Treasure of Red Rakkam is the world's best-selling Tintin comic book, according to official statistics (and we have no reason to doubt them). And yes, this comic is iconic. Professor Tournesol appears in it for the first time, which complements Tintin's comic "family", it is now complete. It is Tournesol who will unravel the main secret in this story, and not Tintin at all. In the same volume, Milu addresses the reader directly for the last time - he no longer needs it, now Captain Haddock will speak. The captain in this dilogy is no longer an episodic, but a full-fledged character who is slowly starting to win the love of readers.

The adventures of Tintin are becoming more and more exciting: it is simply impossible to close the book without finishing it! Recommended for children from 8 years old to infinity - adults also enjoy reading comics about a young reporter.




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